Today I left Don Det which is a small island off of the mainland. I also said goodbye to my bungalow facing the west side of the island and jumped back on a boat to get back on the road! It was nice to have a few shakes, swim and sleep in a hammock....but I can only sit still for short period, until I feel the need to start moving once again.....This trait has been a downfall with some relationships in the past.... 今天我离开东德岛,这是一个小岛。我也和小岛西边的房子说再见,跳上了小船继续骑行。能放松一下很好,游游泳,在吊床上睡睡,但是我只能稍微坐一会儿,马上就出发。 There were many kids hanging out near the highway chasing after me today wanting to say hi and it was fitting to give them a ball...Afterwards, I would watch them run to the closet field and start kicking around the ball....We are not reaching out to every single kid, but we are doing our best as a charity to help out where we can.. 今天在公路上有很多孩子跟着我跑,此时给他们几个球玩玩正合适。然后我就看着他们跑到附近的一块场地踢起球来。我们无法关爱到每个孩子,但是尽量做的最好。 There are many small villages in Laos similar to Cambodia in which people are living at the poverty line.... I gave a boy a ball who lives in the house you see above...I saw him playing behind barb wire fence and I threw him a ball from the highway...... 老挝有很多小村庄,就象柬埔寨一样。上图中的房子里住着一个孩子,我给了他一个球,当时他正在铁丝网篱笆后面玩耍,我在高速上把球扔了进去。 The kids I have been meeting have been sporting sling shots and at times seeking mischief to pass the time... When I was younger I was no saint....basically I was trouble, but I had my interests to stray away from my mischievous behavior at times! It was nice to give out some equipment to these kids so hopefully they will get involved with something more constructive than smashing bottles or shooting rocks at one another.... 我遇见的孩子正在玩弹弓,偶尔也做些恶作剧消磨时间。我小时候也很调皮,但运动总能分散我的精力。给这些孩子们一些体育器材会很好,起码可以给他们一些比砸瓶子、相互扔石头更有意思的事去做。 The landscape is changing and I am starting to cycle through very lush areas. My legs are being put to the test with the continuous hills I am starting to encounter..... but you will be eventually rewarded and today I had a beautiful 10 km descend into the town of Pakse. Today I cycled 150 km and made many stops. The energy from the children really keeps me motivated and the thought of crushing a mango shake at the next town always ads an extra push! My spirits are high and I am truly loving the ride...Big day tomorrow and I have no idea where I will end up....I will just work hard and see where the day takes me....By the way I googled Heinz Stucke and the Guinness Book of records stated that he has traveled by bicycle more than anyone in the world! Check out this link to find out more about Heinz!
风景不断改变着,我开始穿越茂密之地,连续的山地是检验我的双腿的时候,不过也偶尔会有惊喜出现,今天朝巴色行进时我就享受了10公里的下坡路,今天一共骑了150公里,沿途停了好几次。一切为了孩子,这个信念始终激励着我,而且一想到下一站的芒果奶昔我就格外卖力。我精神抖擞,热爱这个骑行。明天将是艰苦的一天,我还不知道明天的终点在哪里。我就不断骑吧,看看能骑到哪里。我顺便谷歌了下“Heinz Stucke”,他的骑行创下吉尼斯记录,下面这个链接是关于他的详细介绍.ücke
2/16/2013 04:22:59 pm
Hi Mr. Hayes,
Paul Hayes
2/18/2013 08:54:01 pm
Haha Stone I still have a long way to live up to the name of Heinz Stucke....but I appreciate the reference! I glad you have followed the journey becuase it is quite educational to understand the problems other countries endure. You better have finished your fitness log.... Comments are closed.
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