Yesterday we started our day at 7:00am trying get a fresh start and attack the hills. These past few days have been testing our strength in our legs with continuous climbs throughout the entire day. The first 10 km were downhill which was a nice feeling with the cool mountain breeze; however, when we finished our descend we realized that we were no longer on the 312 highway....we were on the expressway which is forbidden for cyclists...Ho young and I decided to go through the toll and try to go along the expressway until we reached the next exit to get back onto the 312 highway; however, in a matter of minutes the police were on our tails and it is difficult to engage into a hot pursuit when you are riding a bicycle! The police officers told us we needed to get off the highway and we tried pretending we didn't understand by responding "tingbudong", but it was obvious regardless of any language barrier that we had to go back...In the end that beautiful 10 km descend wasn't so spectacular anymore and uphill we went to get back on track.... 昨天我们7点钟就开始骑车上山了。过去的这几天我们都在自我挑战,每天都在山间骑行。起初我们迎着下山时的微风骑了10公里,感觉相当舒服。但是,等到我们下山才发现我们已经不在312国道上了…我们当时在禁止骑行者入内的高速公路上…小柳同学和我决定穿过收费站再在高速上一直骑到下一个通向312国道的出口为止。不过,没过几分钟警察就发现我们了,而且在这么热的天骑着车和警车赛跑是件很困难的事!警察试图告诉我们高速上不能骑车,我们装“听不懂”,但是就算再听不懂还是要离开高速…最后那10公里的下山路显得不再那么别致了,我们骑上山又走回了原先计划的路… The day was filled with highs and lows....Unfortunately we came across a man that was killed by a large truck with a family grieving by his side. We took the time to stop and digest the events that transpired and our thoughts were with the family the entire day. There are no speed limits posted in the small communities and trucks are going way too fast through these small cities. This is a problem that needs to be addressed to ensure the safety of the people. We were reluctant to handout equipment along the highway because it is too dangerous for the children to play. We live in a dangerous world and hopefully we can take some action to prevent these accidents such as the one we witnessed today from taking place. 这一天不是上山就是下山…不幸的是,当我们经过时我们看到一个人被大货车撞死了,他的家人在一旁失声痛哭。我们停留了一会儿,这一整天我们都想着这家人。这些村庄旁边的路上没有限速的指示牌,卡车在这些小城市中开得特别快。这个问题已经严重到危及人们的生命,应该尽快解决才是。我们不太愿意沿高速发放体育器材,因为这对孩子们来说太危险了。这个世界充满了危险,我们真希望自己能采取什么举动避免这类事故的发生。 We were working hard moving through the mountains and we were working together to get to our destination of Shang Luo. We managed to complete 50 km in three hours which is pretty good consdering we are moving uphill and we are pulling a lot of weight.
我们在山间骑得很卖力,一起向商洛前进。我们在三小时内就骑了50公里,鉴于我们一直在负重走山路,这已是相当不易。 I am writing from a town called Heilongkou and we just refilled the trailer at the China Post. We are 90 km away from Xi An and we have been loving the riding through the Shanxi province for the past few days. Xi an get the popcorn ready because here we come! 我正在一个叫黑龙口(音译)的小镇写这篇博文,我们刚刚在中国邮政装满了我们的小拖车。我们距离西安只有80公里了,我们很享受过去几天在陕西省内的骑行。西安已经准备好了,因为我们来了!
7/13/2012 02:00:01 pm
You guys are amazing. I would really like to see you are riding in the highway with cars,luckily,the police stopped you guys it's too dangerous to stay with chinese drivers in the highway...I have to say their are pretty rude in some ways... You guys are awesome! Good lcuk...
Paul Hayes
7/13/2012 11:30:54 pm
Hey Heaven,
7/13/2012 07:15:41 pm
I can image how funny when you are riding in expressway while police come up to prevent,and you responded with "ting bu dong".But be careful,it's too dangeous.
Paul Hayes
7/13/2012 11:51:40 pm
It wasn't a good start, but the views here are spectacular. We have been playing it safe, but you need to keep your head up.
7/14/2012 02:02:20 pm
Sometimes go to a wrong direction is a part of a travel,when we recall it later,we'll feel it's interesting.
7/13/2012 11:37:38 pm
Mr. Hayes:
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