Before leaving Poipet we made many stops to give out equipment throughout the area.There are many people who live at the poverty level in Cambodia and I can't believe how many children we have met in a short period. We hear kids shouting "hello hello" and some times I don't even know where it's coming from! Today was filled with energy and we even made a stop at two schools to give donations. The first school we came across was positioned outside and it was perfect timing when we showed because they were having an English lesson. They had a great teacher and we were having a lot of fun with the kids. We hope the equipment stays at the school so the kids can use it freely on their spare time. 离开Poipet之前我们停了好几次送出装备。这里好多人生活在贫困线,我简直不敢相信就这么一会儿能遇见这么多孩子。好几次听见孩子们跟我说“Hello”却还没看见他们人在哪里。今天真带劲,我们在两个学校做了停留。第一个学校是在外面,我们出现时他们正好在上英文课。他们的老师非常棒,我们和孩子们玩的很快乐。我们希望给他们的器材能留在学校,这样孩子们可以在课余玩玩。 When we reached the second school, the kids were coming! The whole school ran over to my bicycle and I was bracing myself for the attack! Luckily there were a few teachers to control the crowd. My classic classroom management tactics were not going to work under these circumstances! We donated equipment for all ages and then continued towards Siem Reap in the sweltering heat! We gave out equipment throughout the day and we pushed hard to make our destination. 当我们到达第2所学校时引起了骚动,似乎全校的孩子们都跑了过来!幸运的是有几个老师过来帮忙,才控制了局面。要是我一个可控制不住了。我们给大大小小的孩子们都送了礼物然后继续朝暹粒出发,天气闷热。我们一整天都不停地在送出礼物,现在得赶路了。 We made a pit-stop for lunch in a small town 80 km out of Siem Reap. I spent four dollars and basically ate out the restaurant! The girls at the restaurant were lovely....The women in Cambodia are beautiful....I am absolutely loving life right now! 我们在离暹粒80公里的地方停下来吃饭。我花了4美元,几乎吃空了这个小饭店。店里这个女孩很可爱。柬埔寨的女孩子都很漂亮,让人感觉生活很美好。 It is hot and the temperature is plus 30 degrees. Today we rode 152km and we were battling the heat and headwind to make it to Siem Reap. Siem Reap is famous for having the world's largest temple complex. I was here two years ago and I have very fond memories of sharing that experience with somebody that was very close to me. I am not going to replicate that experience, it just wouldn't be the same... 天气很热,温度超过30度了,我们顶风冒热骑行了152公里到暹粒,暹粒以全球最大的寺庙群而闻名。两年前我来过,有美好的回忆可以分享。我不想再故地重游,一切都不一样了。 Jeans is going to soak in the sights and I am going to get the trailer refilled. We are taking a day off and back on the road tomorrow....Thank you everyone for your support, much love going your way.
Jeans要去景点看看,我则要去补充装备。休息一天,明天继续上路。感谢每一位朋友的支持,你们传递着爱和关怀。 Jiayou! 加油!
Today I woke from the cabin and we got the wheels running around 6:00 am. I have been eating chicken for breakfast....which I have been loving. Great way start the day with a chicken red curry. At our lunch spot, the vendor became fresh out of chicken due to my greedy behavior....I need to feed the legs! As soon as you step outside the sweat is coming. Drinking about 5 liters per day to keep the body moving. We have been cycling through the country side and it has been very peaceful. We haven't been meeting tons of children through this stretch of our trip, but we still made a few stops when the opportunity was given. 今天我在小屋里醒来,6点就出发。早餐是鸡肉,我最喜欢的。美好的一天从咖喱鸡开始。在我们吃中饭的地方,店主不得不加新鲜鸡肉了,因为我太能吃了!我的双腿需要能量啊!一出去就出汗,一天得喝5升水。我们正在乡村骑行,这里很平静。很少遇到成群的孩子,但是有机会我们还是做了几次停留。 I saw many kids today playing on a field and I guess they had a PE class where they could enjoy some time outside. At this point Jeans was interval training and was way ahead....I couldn't get her attention so I made a solo pit-stop. The kids were great and we threw the disc around, kicked the soccer ball, danced a little and attempted to communicate with one another. I donated two soccer balls, two basketballs and a frisbee to their school. Their teacher was present and was very thankful for the donation. 今天我看见很多孩子在一个场地玩,我想他们可能在上体育课。此时Jeans在很前面,没办法叫她,我只能一个人停下来。孩子们很不错,我们玩飞盘、踢足球,一起跳舞,尝试着交流。我给了两个足球、两个篮球和一个飞盘给他们学校。他们的老师非常感谢。 We made our way to the Thai-Cambodian border and how things have changed....Once we crossed the border into Poipet we cycled into a frenzy of chaos. It was interesting to see the people and their daily routines. We saw many people hauling a trailer filled with supplies, crossing the border to do business on the other side. 我们朝泰国柬埔寨边境出发。当穿过边境线来到Poipet时,就感到局面闹哄哄的。他们的日常生活很有趣。我看见很多人推着满满一车东西越过边境去做生意。 We need to count our blessings and be thankful for the life we have been given. We heard there are many homeless children in this area and we are hoping to be able to give out some goods before we leave to Siem Reap. Our charity ride is up and running and we are looking forward to meeting many kids across our tour of Cambodia....Wish us luck. 我们感谢大家的祝福。听说这里有很多无家可归的孩子,我们希望能在去暹粒之前送些东西出去,我们的慈善活动进行着,期待着能在柬埔寨遇见很多孩子,祝我们好运吧! Paul
Back on the bike and the journey begins. Its going to be an amazing journey to Laos and today was our first day on the road. Before we could begin we had to get ourselves and our bikes to Bangkok. I had the good fortune of meeting a lovely lady at the airport who overlooked my oversize luggage and then upgraded my ticket to first class. It was quite evident I had no business being with the royalty members....I was caring dirty panniers, didn't have a clue how to work most of the gadgets and my hygiene could have been in question due to the fact I was running around the airport trying to get organized...It was obvious I won the lottery, but I appreciate all the good luck that came my way prior to the trip. 骑上车,旅程开始了。老挝之旅将会很有趣,今天是第一天。在一切能进行之前我们得保证我们自己人和车都能到曼谷。我很幸运,在机场遇见一位好心的女士,她看着我超重的行李给了升级到了头等舱。明显我和头等舱王室成员没有关系。我拿着很脏的篮子,一大堆零配件,还大汗淋漓,因为我在机场跑前跑后想办法把东西放好。明显我是中了头彩,希望接下来的旅程都能这么幸运。 Yesterday I found a sports outlet store in Bangkok and they gave me a discount on all the equipment we purchased. They were great people who were very interested in the project. The trailer is filled to the top and we are ready for our first few legs of our trip! 昨天我在曼谷找到一家体育用品店,买了他们很多东西,也给我优惠不少。他们对我这个项目很感兴趣。拖车装满了,我们期待着第一段的旅程! Today we started cycling at 5:00 am to beat the traffic. My cycling partner Jeans and I got out of the city as quick as possible, but you couldn't avoid the was coming in all directions...We managed to weave through the chaos and every time I would look back Jeans would be off-roading and she even took out a local on a motorcycle....I told her not do anything that is beyond her comfort zone....At first, she was having her doubts about the trip...and was worried about holding me back....However, this is not the the US postal cycling team and I am not Lance Armstrong demanding you take EPO.... we are here for the kids, to give back and we are not competing in a time trail! Once she realized there are no timelines or pressure, she felt completely comfortable and was able to start embracing the spirit of the ride. 今天我们5点出发以避开交通高峰,这样我这次的骑行同伴Jeans和我可以尽快出城,但还是没办法避开人流,人们从四面八方过来,我们穿行在熙熙攘攘的人群中,我得时不时地回头看着Jeans别让她掉队,她甚至还上了机动车道。我告诉她注意安全。她开头对这一次的旅行心存疑虑,担心拖我后腿。但是我们这不是美国车队,我不是阿姆斯特朗,我们到这里是为了孩子们,我们不赶时间。当她了解到我们没有时间的压力后才开始觉得轻松愉快上路了。 Today we cycled 130 km and now we are in a little town 140 km away from the Cambodian border. We cycled through a few areas that were impoverished and we handed out some equipment. I quickly remembered how good it feels to able to bring a little joy to someone's life and the spirit of the ride is in full effect. We will reach Cambodia tomorrow and I scored on finding a cabin to enjoy my evening and get some rest. 今天我们骑行了130公里,到了离柬埔寨边境140公里远的一个小镇。经过了几个贫困地区,我们送了些器材出去。我马上觉得能给他人的生活带去快乐多好,这就是这次骑行的效果。明天我们将到达柬埔寨,我幸运的找到一个小木屋,晚上可以在木屋里宿营和休息了。 Much love,
Paul |
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